Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16

Introduction Post

I took a day off at some point over the weekend.  Not sure which day because as I said before, my days sort of blend together.  Oh well!  I'm back now.  For my digital painting today I've decided to polypaint the saw made a couple days ago.

I feel much more comfortable painting a 3D model instead of on a flat canvas, regardless of whether it's a seamless texture or a UV sheet.  I think that might be because the form of the object is already provided for me before I even paint.  I'm pretty terribad at sketching out a form.  Good thing I'm not trying to be an illustrator when I grow up.

This polypaint is not quite finished yet.  I still have the screws in the grip as well as the entire blade to paint.  That'll be tomorrow probably.  Also I'm aware the type of wood I painted doesn't match the type of wood that would belong to a saw of this kind.

I haven't gotten around to making a ZBrush sculpt yet today, so I will be updating this blog when that happens.

EDIT:  Here's what I got done in ZBrush.  It kept crashing on me; about 20 times in a row.  I was trying to do a super complex dynamesh subtract and it just didn't want to take.  I'll have to figure out another way of easily creating a mesh with tons of holes in it.

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